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the combined high price of bluerays, and the strange creep of dvds back up in price (most likely to help the blue ray transition) is bad for the movie industry they will spur piracy rates above and beyond anything they have see before while killing sales..... its almost like they dont want to make money

they do not seem to realize that the public has changed the view of what they will pay for that type of entertainment, and are killing their industry to keep the old ways uptop.... much like the music industry.

@tuoyo next year should see the very first blueray oly movie though most likely it will just be a timed release.
digital downloads are the future, speeds and quality will improve, just remember how slow your conection was 4 years ago, and imagine where we will be in 4 years, breakthroughs happen all the time, and in unexpected places.

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog