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Gonintendo said that they received an E-Mail from SE that said the game wasn't cancelled,the official statement will be released today,I'll try and find the link.

Edit:Here it is

Square-Enix says FFCC: The Crystal Bearers not cancelled, official statement tomorrow

I have bumped this story to the front page, just to make sure you all caught this. This is the original EGM Rumors post, but with added comments. I think you’ll be pleased with the information. The new section has been marked with an UPDATE note.


- Silicon Knight’s unannounced long-in-development Sega title is looking for a new publisher.
- Brash Entertainment is gone due to horrible licensed content
- Square Enix quietly cancelling FF:CC Crystal Bearers for Wii. Look for FF:CC Echoes of Time for DS and Wii.

I am excited for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time. With that said, I was equally excited for The Crystal Bearers. It’s almost as if titles shown at Nintendo’s pre Wii-launch E3 have some sort of curse attached to them! Thanks to Daniel for the heads up.

UPDATE - I have received an email from Square-Enix public relations that states that the game has not been cancelled and an official statement will be provided tomorrow.

Edit 2:Senortaco posted it before me.

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