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I agree with you.

The constant bashing on opposing consoles (or games on these platforms for that matter) just for the sake of bashing is just sickening. There are less of intelligent, informative, and peaceful threads in the forum except a few by particular users.

Instead, there are plenty of "PS3 is selling terrible!", "XBOX360 is a failure", and "Wii is all kiddies". In reality, these posts are disguised under different titles, but what posters really want to convey are essentially the same. The same damn things over and over. Boy, some people just can't stop attacking others, can they?

Of course, these are just a few examples. There are a bunch of variations to these kinds of uninteresting and flame-inducing posts and threads on this forum. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Personally, I don't even participate in unoriginal threads like these and am amazed how people like to fight against each other on the same issues over and over. It's like a broken tape recorder.

Who are posting these flaming threads/posts? They are mostly by those who are insecure about their own console choice and therefore have an incentive to discredit other platforms/games to feel better about their choices. Winning an argument in a thread must make them feel better, I suppose.

In reality, I don't think we will see less of these posts in the future for various reasons. First, as more new users register on this site, it'll get increasingly harder to control posts like those even though mods have been doing an excellent job.

Second, due to the nature of the site (console war, sales competition), the site particularly attracts people who are insecure about their console choice.

Third, a lot of argumentative people love to argue the same damn thing over and over even though they don't admit it openly.

Fourth, even if they reach a stalemate in a thread, other users will post the same damn thing with slightly different subjects and will start it all over again. If they run out of flame bait, new users will start the same damn thing. It's just never ending.

Fifth, even if you start a reasonably informative, interesting, and peaceful thread, some insecure jerks will jump in no time.

Finally, this is something I don't think mods and administrators of this site intend or wish to see, but ironically flames and useless quarrels actually attract new visitors to the website and make the website more active no matter how unproductive those posts are. Just take a look at the number of views and replies on those flame-inducing threads. People secretly love it.

The fact that those flame posts and bs in fact help the site grow is an unintended consequence. But it just really is for any forum. Such is the Internet. Maintaining the high level of civil attitudes, maturity, positiveness, informative discussions, and peace is just a very difficult thing to do.

Truth is this forum still is better than 90% of game forums on the Internet. But it'll inevitably get worse as the site grows bigger. I try not to have any high expectation so that I won't be disappointed.

No, it's not going to stop  'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop  So just ... give up
- Aimee Mann