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Bungie and Microsoft Drifting Apart


A tense relationship between the companies is opening the door to the PS3 and more…

Written by: Clint McCredie | 11/6/2008 10:58:02 AM

Speaking exclusively to gameplayer, Bungie’s community lead Brian Jarrard reflected on the last eventful year in the wake of the momentous release of Halo 3. He paints a picture of a much more relaxed studio since gaining independence last October from Microsoft. This all comes in an atmosphere of some doubt and concern after the much-publicized canning of Bungie’s big E3 reveal this summer and a series of restrained but tense exchanges from both Microsoft and Bungie in the aftermath of the decision.

However, it would seem from Jarrard’s description of events since Halo 3 was completed that Bungie is in a much better position to roll with the punches than ever before and that its commitment to making cutting-edge, blockbuster titles such as the recently announced Halo 3; Recon remains undiminished.

What remains more resolute than anything else, though, is Bungie’s commitment and devotion to its fans, and its goal remains to at least match, if not exceed, their expectations. That seems to be the biggest legacy from the release of Halo 3.

“We poured so much into the game and pushed really hard to get all of our features into the shipping product, but we just didn’t know if it was going to resonate well with our fan community,” Jarrard revealed. “To see the reaction to the game – not just in terms of the numbers but in terms of our hardcore fans; the way the community responded – was truly inspiring and rewarding for everyone at the studio.”

This was a message that resonated even more after all the controversy that was hovering over Bungie after its cancelled announcement of a new title at E3 - an announcement which remained clouded in mystery until the Tokyo Game Show. The overriding concern seemed to be that the Bungie community, a group that has only swelled in the last 12 months, would be irrevocably hurt by the broken promise of a new game.

Suggestions by Microsoft’s Don Mattrick that Bungie studio president Harold Ryan laughed about the decision were met by thinly veiled anger from Bungie as it did not take the decision lightly. “Keeping things clean, I certainly didn’t agree with the decision to delay our news until the TGS,” Ryan said later. “Bungie is always concerned first and foremost with our fans. Whenever we are prevented from exceeding their positive expectations it is not a laughing matter.”

Where that leaves the relationship between Bungie and Microsoft remains unclear, but Jarrard suggested it would continue to change and perhaps even become more distant with time, particularly when it comes to the Halo franchise. “Now that we’re independent, things have changed a bit, but, for the most part, people on our team still remain involved and have influences over many aspects of Halo,” Jarrard explained. “As the franchise grows, though, and as Bungie’s relationship with Microsoft continues to evolve and change, it’s probably safe to say that we will have less and less involvement down the road.”

Of course the biggest question remains what is actually in Bungie’s future game-wise? What can we expect from Halo 3: Recon? It would seem from Jarrard’s comments that despite confirmation that Bungie is working on a new Halo, that is not the be-all and end-all of Bungie’s interest right now.

“Since becoming independent last year, the future of the studio definitely includes a desire to not only create the ‘next big thing’ but to also foster and explore creative concepts of varying scales,” Jarrard told us. “We currently have multiple projects under way, each with a different scope and timeline.” What Bungie doesn’t need to worry about any longer is “carrying the weight of an entire console on [its] backs”, as Jarrard put it, with the Xbox 360 well-established and flourishing thanks to the likes of Gears Of War and Fable II.

Where once the Xbox brand was heavily dependent on Bungie’s Halo, it can now breathe a little more easily, but Jarrard and Bungie feel rightly proud of their accomplishment. “Could you imagine the Xbox or Xbox 360 without Bungie’s Halo?” he asked us. No, we could not.


” What Bungie doesn’t need to worry about any longer is “carrying the weight of an entire console on [its] backs”, as Jarrard put it"

could it be a possibility to see bungie games on ps3?



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