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well as a proponent of powerpc id call your 5 a bit of a stretch, it is far more dependent on which family of ppc they are based on yours is based on what apple called power3 a good chip to be sure, and it could hand it to pentium II whcih it was much faster then at the time, the top end of the chip that i have seen is 2ghz dual 2, not bad, but the 5x your stating is something apple pushed back in the day and started with the power4 which is a freescale/motorola chip, so you missed out there. the power 3 is closer to 3 times per mhz and a big part of that is alvetech something that is not on any of the console chips since its very hard to program for. dont get me wrong its a great chip, its been engineered to be supremely efficient and reduce errors when computing.

on top of that if you want to comapre to the hd twins both are based off of what apple called power 5 (ibm called it power4, but is in no way related to the development of the power 4 by free scale) this chip does not actually conform to all the specifications in the power charter, but is very powerfullchip, the downside to it has been the heat it puts off, and scaling problems, one reason why apple parted with it so quickly. both the cell and the chip in the 360 have been stripped of many technologies in the core to allow for it to be speed up and kept cooler, the cell was radically altered and now has its own development linage. the chip inside the 360, however is not that dissimilar late model powermacs can run xbox360 games with the right firm ware, but most likely would have to scale the fx down. this does create the question of why we havent seen hacks to do this

so your post is partially right, yes its power is deceiving, yes it is more powerful then last gen, no its not quite five, and yes it can push some nice graphics, though the floating points on that chip is not as good as what would come latter in the power series, so its ai is hindered in comparison to 360 and ps3

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog