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ctk495 said:
Flow said:
ctk495 said:
Hey guys I don't know if I should give up I think there are some other guys interested in her but at the same time what if she is into me and I waste an important chance? By the way lol kirby you were right there were some guys telling her "I want you candy" lol I laughed I don't know if they did it as a joke.Anyway she seems to be fairly popular but she is in the same year as I am I have her in some of my classes but we don't longer sit together :( it only happend once. Should I give up on her or get on trying.By the way I ask her on facebook what was he msn but she hasn't reply yet I'll wait this weekend if she replies and gives me her msn then I'll keep on trying to get to now her if she doesn't then I'll just forget about this and try to look for someone else.Also why do most guys have younger gf's?why do girls tend to look for older guys?


Almost every girl always have lots of guys interested or at least just hitting on her, don't let that get you down.

And remember, you gotta be different from these suckers, that girl is used to and probably don't care about those guys that surround her like bees on honey. You gotta make her like you. I don't know if i made this clear but if you don't get the point say it.

And why not look for someone else even if this one is still pendant? If you get two girls interested in you, then my friend, your life will not be boring anymore.

And why do you want to know about guys having younger girlfriends? I don't really know.

I only have one life so I'm tired of being shy or fearing rejection I'm going to call her right now and her if she wants to go to see HSM3 with me :)



I seee... you want her to sleep at the movies so you can feel her up ^_^ Good plan... at least take her out to a good movie ;)

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