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Impulsivity said:

    I was excited to play Fallout 3 and with good reason, in a lot of ways its incredibly awesome.  The game itself is awesome, but the PS3 port is just horrific.  I mean seriously, it is REALLY bad.  A quick rundown


  Every time a friend signs on, which is all the damn time for me, it freezes.

   The R2 and L2 button don't work half the time, you have to start and restart your controller.  Of course R2 uses the targeting system and lets you set weapon hot keys so you need it all the damn time.

   There are no trophies months after trophies were enabled.  That takes what?  10 minutes of coding time to just transfer over the achievements from the PC version?  I mean come on, how hard can it be?  a ton of other games friggin did it RETROACTIVELY even.  

   The game chugs and hicups from time to time which is really inexcusable.  I mean why in the world does their game run worse on a superior machine?  Sloppy coding in the extreme.  Kojima needs to start a community college class on PS3 programing these clowns can attend.

   It has a game stopping bug periodically within the first 20 minutes of game play.  Do they have no QA department at all?  Maybe a day one patch after all the review copies obviously had it?


   Luckily I decided to rent before I buy so I think I'll return it to Blockbuster today for store credit and download the PC version (which is 10 dollars less anyway).  Seriously though, they can rot in hell for doing such a horrific job on porting.  It's EA's Madden 08 all over again, but this time we KNOW they can do it right (the PS3 oblivion was actually superior to the 360 version in graphics, draw distance...everything).  

    I hate to say it, since i love the PS3, but get it on the PC if you can.  I downloaded it before posting this, started it up, and played a few hours, loads better if your PC is decent at all.

   Whats with all the special Ed PS3 ports?  Is the way EA now makes most of their gaming money off the PS3 (thanks largely to Europe) not enough of a carrot to get them to code right?


   The one bright point, no mandatory install and semi short load times.  Plus, obviously, the PS3 controller is a lot better then the 360 when it works (though both are inferior to the mouse/keyboard combo) and the game is awesome despite the faults.

Just wanted to clarify a few things. Kojima made one game that runs well on the PS3 and you feel he should give classes on how to code? Not to mention his game was very linear while a game like Fallout or Oblivion is very open. Also you feel the Oblivion port was well done so they can't be that horrible.

Next since you may not be in the know, Oblivion 360 received a patch after Oblivion PS3 was released to make the 2 games equal. Well gameplay wise since the 360 did receive a bit more DLC than the PS3.

Lastly I'm not sure how EA got pulled into the discussion, but you do know they have nothing to do with this game right?


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.
