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Ail said:
heruamon said:
All i know is this...2K games is kicking themselves right now over the effort for this port...and the special adds to make this game more "special" than the 360 version. The game is barely going to crack 100K WW, and maybe 200K LTD...OUCH doesn't begin to describe this failure to port the game. Somebody WILL be getting a smaller bonus this year...


Not really, they aren't going to loose money over the port ( it didn't cost them a fortune to add 5 tonics to the PS3 version LOL and the DLC still isn't released).

What they are probably kicking themselves over is for going exclusive last year.

Seeing how so much better a game like DeadSpace is doing on the PS3 because of a simultaneous release...

What this show is that exclusive timed release that include huge delays between platform and a cheap PC release in between are probably not that great of an idea...( but you could have guessed that without having a PhD)


Not releasing last year on the PS3 while the platform only had 1 really serious FPS for the Holyday ( CoD4) and delaying 1 year to release at the same time as Dead Space and Re2 is probably not the best idea they had either...

Agreed. I hope they've learnt their lesson and don't wait OVER A YEAR to put BioShock 2 on the PS3. I'm going to say same day release, no amount of money Microsoft chucks at them is going to change that.


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