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Slader966 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
Slader966 said:

First of all, I want to let everyone know that I am a PS3 and 360 owner as of right now. I'm pretty sure that absolves me of any bias towards any HD console

At one point there was green tea and sweet tea in the fridge.  Just because I have both doesn't mean I don't like sweet tea more than green tea.  Now sadly, there is no sweet tea left in the fridge, only green tea.  I will just have to make due with the green tea until there is more sweet tea.


My point, nimrod, was that I have made the appropriate investment in both HD consoles.

I appreciate and have taken the time to explore what each has to offer. Obviously, I have a preference towards one over the other. There is no way around that and I don't claim to.

Do not come at me with such skepticism, I have done nothing to warrant such treatment.

  1. There is absolutely no need for the personal insult.
  2. Just because you have both consoles you can still be completely biased.  In fact, I would say people that bought a console and don't like it are even more bitter.