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First of all, I want to let everyone know that I am a PS3 and 360 owner as of right now. I'm pretty sure that absolves me of any bias towards any HD console(note that I said nothing of the Wii).

I surf these forums and I can not believe the amount of so called "fan boyism" exerted on this site. It's pathetic.

There are some individuals' opinions i respect and even listen to despite what could be referred to as a discrepency in opinion. However, most of what I read on here is just ranting for one system or the other.

I initially referenced this site for an opinion I needed based on an issue I was faced with. As I read on, I realize how misplaced my basis was.

Each of us has an opinion. Period. Not a single one of us can change that for another.

I just want to say, despite being difficult to weed out, it's been a pleasure to listen to what certain individuals have had to say about certain topics.


EDIT: to make this clear, the importance of this post is to make all aware that people are reading for individual opinions for purchasing options. Keep your bias' out of your evaluation.