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I have an idea for the site - hope this doesn't get caught up in the flow and ignored ;) Many old threads are good - but get ignored. This is either because they are "off" the main page (and don't get seen), or off the main page of the thread index. There are just too many to check out regularly, and its also too hard to search the "entire" list before starting a new one. ... So... my suggestion is to create a secondary list of threads on the main page (doesn't have to be long - maybe 4 or 5 of them), that does something like "blast from the past" - it picks a bunch of RANDOM threads, and displays their titles. This way, all old threads will have a chance to make it back to the main page (i.e. if someone posts on one of them), and hopefully there will be less duplication present.

Gesta Non Verba

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