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@davygee: If we go by your analysis then we can expect things to be wrong instantly. Looking at your sig predictions I feel really bad. Besides, why do you believe that the least successful console so far will be the one to remain longer in the market? You have been brainwashed by illogic fanboys it seems.

I don't know why would Nintendo stop supporting the Wii, which is the fastest selling console of all times, before the worst selling console this gen stops selling.

Those saying "time will tell" or "Anything is possible" are just delusional or in denial.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies