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Spankey said:
According to what was on CNN while I was watching it, the drop in forecast profits is largely based on the strengthening Yen
I don't know just how much of that is the stronger Yen and how much is other reasons though lol


the euro, the loonie, are two of the chief problems for sony the euro at the rate it is falling will be equal to or less than the dollar by january, and that hurts a lot. sony was depending on euro to see them through and be able to make price cuts next spring, if conditions continue like this even a price cut then which i had believed would happen in march is very unlikely they will simply not be able to afford it.  now what they might do is try and shift sales to the states and advertise more and bundle more there, but if the dollar starts a slide too it will kill them again. very tricky place they are in, and its only antagonized further by the poor sales figures in japan.

but this is also going to show more in ms sales and nintendos, all three will have a tougher time without the fat of the strong euro, all three will look to native sales to help them through the tough times, and sony has not managed to get the ps3 up in japan like in previous generations.... i speculate for them GT, and FF can not come soon enough, and it would be worth moneyhatting to keep ff ps3 only in japan (though for ms it might be worth it if they see real gains or even a new higher level weekly sales to pay the escape clause penalties and then a bonus to have it there .... catch 22 for sony good for square enix )

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog