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Aprisaiden said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
thekitchensink said:
Yeah, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, Gears, Resistance, Metroid, Ratchet, Banjo, MGS, Mario Kart, Mass Effect, all don't exist.


 Your damn right they dont exist.

Seriously the only game there thats the best in its genre is mario and smash bros everything else there is a better game that is multiplat. Im not saying that the games are bad but just not as good as some other games


 Mario Galaxy is pretty unique.
 Super Smash Bros is its own style/genre
 Name a better cover based TPS than gears?
 Resistance is a AAA FPS game...
 Ratchet - ToD and Q4B are second to none this gen imo... though others might argue Mario Galaxy is better...
 MGS4 - really, a multiplat better than MGS4? and in the same genre? Im sorry but MGS4 is a AAA or AAAA game and it has NO competition this generation.
 Mario Kart - Find me a better kart racer...


The first 2 and mario kart the J man agrees

When the J man says multiplat he means third party games because most third party games are multiplats

Gears is still a shooter regardless and so is resistance but valve and cod 4 blow them both out of the water. There good games dont get the  J man wrong but there are far from better than what valve offers.

 You could compare ratchet to portal and we both know which game is better.

MGS4 is only the best in the stealth genre because its the only stealth game this gen (the J man thinks). But to say it has no competition this gen is a little too much. You cant honestly say mgs 4 is better than bioshock or fallout 3 or oblivion or the orange box or Mass effect. The J man knows you love the game and that it might be your favourite game but to say it has no competition is far to strong. In the j mans opinion there are better games out there , a few though.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!