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People can try to spin it all they want, but the fact is this was what Sony created.

They could have came into this generation without Blu-ray, without a standard HDD, and without Cell. The console could have been $299 at launch and they would have dominated the market from the get go. Instead they chose to be bold. As a leader it is your job to try and move things forward, and that means taking risks that may help right off the bat, but often it takes a step back to truly go forwards.

PS3 was never ment to storm onto the market the way the PS2 did. Had that happened Sony would have been wishing they were only 3.3B in the red. PS3 launch was set up to look bleak to the average consumer, because Sony had to survive. The crappy adds, missing features, and a whole list of complaints from consumers. Sony's only goal at the beggining was to get the console in the hands of the die hard Playstation fans and get a livable userbase. They had to wait tell it made buisness sense to really push the system. Last year it would have killed them if PS3 sold like the Wii, so they kept low key.

Now this year things have started to come together. Everyone has heard the term 2008 is the year of the PS3. That is completly true. Not that it is going to blow by the compitition, but that the system is not dead out the gate and it is something both MS and Nintendo have to take serious. Microsoft knows this, and its not only these numbers that show the fear they have. Price slashing, and a complete overhaul of the system was not something they ever expected to have to do. But with the PS3 slowly building into an unstopable force they have had to kick it into gear. So far Nintendo has had it easy, but things will start to ketch upto them fast.

This year was just a start, and anyone looking at the numbers can see what is happening. PS3 is building momentum, and history is about to get knocked on its ass. Everyone says a console can never come back from last place to win a generation. This is not the 1980's or 90's anymore. Playstation 3 is about to wake up, and all the potential is gowing to burst out. In 2009 everyone will become witness to what video game fans will call the biggest shock the industry has ever seen.

Next year PS3 ends its run as just another games console. The first two years it may as well been a Microsoft or Nintendo console. A little bit of crap and a few shinning gems that can not be missed by anyone that loves video games. Quality games are ready to go, and projects next year will show why PS3 has long been touted as the most powerful console of this generation. A slim model, and a $299 price tag will acompany these games, and PS3 will start knocking out the compitition. 360 will not survive next year ahead of PS3 LTD, and weekly sales will start to pass the falling Wii.

Everyone can have a party on my fanboy post, and say I don't understand anything, and ask if this is joke. Go ahead, have your fun, but remember I have been saying this same thing since day 1. Next year when things start happening go ahead and come back and talk to me about how I am crazy, and motion is the most important thing this gen. Tell me HD is useless and 97% of people hate it, and will never buy into it. I am ready, for the crap. This world moves forward, better things always become the standrad, it just does not happen over night.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams