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So I just did the last parts again (it's ezmode with a fully upgraded pulse rifle, much easier than no upgrades, only takes 10 shots per yellow) and WOW. I didn't realize just how much the game gains in those last 15 minutes. From the moment you put the marker in its place until you read the Backstory Logs, basically the whole game is made.

There was music! It was the impeding doom music. When she first pops up you can even see the asteroid coming down on top of you both. Right after she mops up the floor, literally, with that bitch. I remember going up to RE4's final boss expecting something HUGE! Instead I got nothing, 10 foot tall 4 legged thing with spikes... very disappointing. Given the previous bosses in DS I didn't expect too much, boy was I surprised. I also let myself be killed by that actoin sequence, man that is one legendary death, you should go just to watch it. Makes me miss the fact I died so few times through action sequences (the lurker one is awesome, gets all 3 tentacles under your chin and up to your head).

Also Nicole definetly had claws at the end.... but some people don't seem to agree. We NEED some story stuff on this and the comics/anime just aren't enough at all. You know a story is so good when there are so many topics about it on the internet.


P.S. My jaw still dropped during all the cut-scenes of the final boss, just so amazing.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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