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Paul_Warren said:
I knew that PS3 Eternal Sonata would be better than the 360 version, but it is also better than Tales of Vesperia 360 too. Maybe a better version of Vesperia will be headed to the PS3 as well now.


Here is the problem Paul.

Fallout 3 just scored a 9.6 from IGN, for the Xbox 360.

It scored a 9.4 for the PS3.

LBP scored a 9.5.

Now, if we use points from the same site to directly compare games, we will never get an accurate account of how good the game is.

I know you trust IGN, accoding to them though, the 360 just got a game better than LBP, and the PS3 just got a game worse than LBP.

I've done you the favor of acutally playing Eternal Sonata, and trust me when I tell you, the 360 version is vastly over-rated. It's a terrible game that most jrpgers would have a hard time finishing, in its brief 30 hour quest. Vesperia is an under-rated game, and vastly, unbelievably superior to ES on the 360, in every concievable way.

Games on the same site, can still be reviewed by different people, and have different results(Fallout 3 was reviewed by the same person though).

You can't compare games based on reviews from one source. There are way too many variables.

Now, having played both games, I do have a tough time believing that ES PS3 is any good. Honestly. I don't care if they slapped a FFVII remake inside of it as a minigame. It was so aweful that no remake could fix it. Some reviewers are just ignorant, or they had a bad day, or they are trying to prove a point, or whatever, or they aren't very smart, and they don't review a game correctly(which you can't do, but some miss the ballpark entirely).

So, watch those assumptions, because they always come back to bite you in the ass.

If you say absolutely that ES is better than ToV(and anyone who's played them both and agrees with dead to me), then you must also say that the 360 version of Fallout 3 is absolutely better than LBP, and LBP wasn't even the best game released this month.


You've also used IGN to flame Fable 2. I don't think you'll be doing that anymore, around me.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.