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My Weekend with Wii Music
A Game Analysis by Sky Render in 4 Parts

Let's get this clear right from the start: this is not a typical review. I'll be posting it over the course of the next few hours, starting at 18:00 PST, and finishing at 21:00 PST. Timestamps are included for start, finish, and post times in each piece of the review, for convenience's sake.

Each post in the series will contain a carefully thought out and meaningful analysis, and the review will be in 4 parts as a result. Here's an outline of what to expect. I'll add quick links to each one once they're posted, so you won't have to muddle through the entire topic to reach them.

Opening Comments: What I Started With
Target Post Time: 18:00 PST

Here I basically give you a breakdown of my experience relating to video games, music, and musical video games. If you want to know how biased or unbiased I am about this review, please look here first. I tried to be as brutally honest as possible.

Surface Level: Experiencing Wii Music
Target Post Time: 19:00 PST

This is my first impressions of the game from the moment I insert it into my system on up to when I quit for the day, with no real exploration yet of the deeper features of the game.

Digging In: What Lies Beneath
Target Post Time: 20:00 PST

Here's where I start to look at the finer nuances of the game. Expect a YouTube link or two to video recordings of a few of my performances in this section, for all of you people who want to see how good (or bad) I really am at this game.

Wrapping Up: What I'm Left With
Target Post Time: 21:00 PST

And finally, this is where I come to my conclusions about the game and what it means to me, what it's done for me, what I think it will do for me, and even a bit of speculation on what it means for the industry (if anything). I also have a pithy little "score" for various parts of the game, so this is where you want to go if you just want an "out of 10" style of analysis. Warning: I don't actually do an "out of 10" style analysis.

Addenum: Creativity is What You Make of It

 This special addition to the review observes what happens when you decide to stop following the pre-defined note patterns and really make something of your own. A brief but very important addenum for anybody concerned about how much they really can do with this game.

Let's kick it off, then, with the opening comments.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.