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Review Addenum - Creativity is What You Make of It

I was unable to resist the lure of Wii Music, and so I decided to go back and try something I hadn't thought of before, something that occurred to me as I toyed with the menu rendition of the Wii Music theme: you don't have to play the song note-for-note or even close to the original version. In fact, what you play can be entirely something else from what the original song was intended to be, to the degree that the original song might not even be obvious without the opening blurb telling you what the song is.

So I sat down and decided to play what "felt" right to me, instead of what I "knew" was right, on the Legend of Zelda theme. The end result is eerie, a bit sublime, and almost nothing at all like the actual Zelda theme.

The end result is, undeniably, an original piece that follows some basic patterns of the classic Zelda theme, yet totally breaks away from said theme in ways that honestly surprised me even as I performed it. It never felt like I was hitting a "wrong" note while I recorded this, either; every note ended up fitting perfectly into the final mix.

So for those who are worried that there is no room for creativity in Wii Music, rest assured that there is. There is a lot of room for it, in fact. You really can make any song "yours".

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.