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Fable 2's graphics aren't bad. Long draw distances, and some stunning art direction help out a lot, also the interactive bits look great. I've rarely been more immersed in a games graphics than I have been when running through the beautiful white flowered fields during sunset, near the river, at a farm towards the ending sequence of the game, or the snow effects when you're spirited off to castle Fairfax(?) at the very beginning. Just looking off at the distance, or at certain parts of the game, the sky, is just spectacular. It makes me think of how Nintendo could do a Zelda game on an HD console, and frankly, the scenery in Fable 2 can only be described as stunning.

The only bad part about Fable 2's graphics is that they put a strain on the console, and sometimes make the game hitch, or the menus slow, or whatever. That part of the game, sucks. If the game ran perfectly smooth and the menus were quick and slick, and it had no loading times, I would rate the game very high on my favorite games list. As it stands now, it's a flawed, but excellent wrpg.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.