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I wouldn't call it a pillar, but it is a blow to Sony. I think one of the thinks that they should be really trying to push in the fight against XBL is the bigger releases that they have on the PSN, such as Warhawk, GT 5 Prologue, WipEout HD, Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty and SOCOM, and so it is a disappointment with SOCOM, especially when the problem should have been solved easily and it should not really be a shock after the issues they had with the beta.

However, I would call MS PR (which has had slight disappointing reviews), R2 (only 1 review so far) and LBP (currently the 16 highest rated game of all time on game rankings, just behind Bioshock 360....) the 3 pillars of Sony's line-up. I don't think they have even announced a SOCOM release date for Europe, their biggest market!