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I doubt apple would enter the market in the traditional scene, I see them eventually adding the functionality to an existing product, the apple tv is supposed to have free software updates and functionality updates for the next two years. who is to say a few down load games might find their way there, as a test market, or the apple tv was a test, one that went over about as well as the g4 cube

I do like to see the love for apple, but the apple premium, is a myth. Why is the iphone 500, because its not subsidized. As for desktops and laptops, you get part for part the same thing at the same price give or take 100. I think it is more the fact apple dose not allow people to strip it down to bare bones or sell crap systems. the mini, and ibook are as bad as it gets. I say bad, because they got rid of detected fx chip sets on them after the intel switch

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog