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KylieDog said:
sweetoothj said:

here is the 5 games that i think that can win goty award or at least get nominated







If any of these get GOTY it is just more evidence of why the gaming media is full of it.


GTA IV will win it though, despite a great deal of its buyers declairing it crap, the media all rated it the greatest game ever, and they will not admit they were wrong.


It's also multiplat, so it stops a majority of fanboy arguments.

What do you want to win? Brawl? Wii Music? Disney Sing It?

Spore has no chance- it was crap.

Why do people have all of this faith in Fallout 3?

And for (hopefully) the last time, how stupid would they look giving the sequel to Game of The Year 2006, Game of The Year 2008? Some reviewers will, but not the majority.

They want to give some new/underappreciated franchises a chance!

GTA IV does have a pretty big chance though, despite the fact that GTA3 won GoTY 2001, because we KNOW it has amazing critical acclaim. Having said that, you forget that Gamespot gave it th same score as they gave MGS4- 10/10.

IGN gave GTA4: 10, 10, 9.8

MGS4: 10, 9.9, 9.5

It's not entirely dependent on scores, though, or Pro Skater 3 would have won GoTY 2001. Reviews are only worked on by a few people, Game of The Year awards by the entire reviewing team.

I'm going to say relatively even split between MGS4 and GTA4, with the occasional reviewer giving it to Gears 2 or LBP. Fallout 3 is a big IF at the moment.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective