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memory2zack said:
vlad321 said:
JRPGS aren't RPGs. They are Turn Based Strategy games.


The majority of them are not turn-based anymore. Also jRPGs don´t need skill trees because a) have a ability/spell board that you further and further unlock depending on the battle points gained or b) don´t have anything at all because the characters have a preset one-way class.


Anyway, jRPGs are RPGs because their japanese makers say so, their japanese audience has always been accepting them as such and the gaming industry never denied classifying them as RPGs. Also, they didn´t invent tabletop RPGs, have a minimal knowledge about these, their first RPG prototype was Ultima (hardly an ideal pure RPG) and finally because they have other values and lifestyle than Westerners their RPG definition is consequently far different from the original one.


So what exactly do you do to your character except give him a better weapon here or there and wait for him to level up? No decision making at all on the path your characters take. Select a job and that's it. And the fact you have to wait for cooldowns and what not does not change the fact they are turn based. You don't even have control over your character when you do battle. You have control over a pointer which in turn it controls the battle, sprinkle in some itneresting battle mechanics on top of that and you're set. I'm hardly playing my characters. It all comes down to the strategy the person uses and there is very little skill involved.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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