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ZenfoldorVGI said:
goddog said:
did too, and they are knowledgeably selling LBP though its recalled the 22 people there for fable were pissed, i counted 3 for lbp, but that may be due to recall


I wonder if these sold "ghost" recalled copies of the game will take away sales from the official first week figures. Also, another sucky thing about the first week LBP is the staggered launch, so it'll be hard to get any real numbers on that.


the three walmarts i visited tonight, before giving up on fable till tomorrow, all seemed to be treating today as LBPs release date and could care less about the recall.... it pissed me off they wouldnt sell me fable, and i was suprissed at how many people were out buying

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog