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i got them both today, will start mgs4 after i beat disgaea 3. i loved elder scrolls 4:oblivion on the 360 when i had one, so i decided to get it again for the ps3 this time.      if anyone has any ideas about other games to get this holiday besides :  lbp

                resistance 2

                soulcailbur 4

                sacred 2: fallen angel

   please let me know, thanks for any replys

Nice, you just got my two favourite PS3 games!

LBP and Res 2 are must buys, pick up BioShock if you haven't played it on other consoles.

Not sure about Sacred 2.

ONLY ONLY ONLY get Soulcalibur IV if you are a fighting junkie. It will not make you have an epiphany and love the genre. It's still my second favourite fighting series though, after Tekken.

If you still have money to spend after that, get Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. IGN 9.4 and my third favourite PS3 game.

EDIT: Try demos where available before purchasing. People seem to like Warhawk, but I personally couldn't stand the demo.

Also, Rearmed is a great PSN game if you don't have it.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective