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Staude said:
iclim4 said:
Griffin said:

But there was no probelm with the game and a bunch of crazy people went nuts and decided it need to be changed.  We all know what would of happened if Sony left it alone, there offices would of been bombed or trashed by a bunch of pissed of muslims.  The whole world is made of double standards and its getting really annoying.  If its about gays, minorities or religions, it seems people always need to bend off backwards to not be sued because some crazy people want things changed to suit them.

A bunch of crazy people didn't go nuts.
As far as I know Sony took the initiative. (the game isn't out yet how can people complain?)
They deemed it was innappropriate and sought to rectify it.

No we dont and you shouldn't assume.

Yes the world is made of double standards and life isn't fair just live with it the best way you can.
That's not much of an advice, I know...

I know you're pissed, so am I, and I think you just want to blame something for this unfortunate delay, but do you think it's fair for you to blame muslims and assume that they'll do something crazy just because sony decided to delay a game for something sony deemed innappropriate?
Those lyrics translation does seem pretty gloom for a kid friendly game anyway...

dude. It was a guy who wrote a letter to sony. He said he found it offensive.

Can't be arsed to explain.. read this:


Well according to the letter it doesn't seem like they asked that the game be recalled. They asked that it be patched on release and that future copies have it removed. Couldn't Sony have done that instead of a delay. Unless they are trying to garner press by showing they did the right thing and didn't try to save money on a solution?

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.
