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Blizzard CEO Says Next MMO Definitely Not WarCraft

If you were still holding out hope, WarCraft fans, here's your definitive answer.

By Kat Bailey, 10/17/2008

We've all heard it before, but at this point World of WarCraft has done so well that it could probably become a functioning, autonomous nation. But what about Blizzard's next massively multiplayer game?

Well, according to Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime, it's definitely not going to be set in Azeroth and surrounding locales. In an interview with Wired, Morhaime said, "We're not trying to replace World of Warcraft with this new MMO. We're trying to create a different massively multiplayer experience, and hopefully World of Warcraft will still be going strong when that one is released."

Pretty as most people expected. Nobody wants to give up that Level 70 Night Elf that they've been working on since 2005. But what could that mysterious new MMO be? We're keeping our fingers crossed for World of Rock 'n Roll Racing. How about you?



I'm really happy to hear them say that since I really want Warcraft to go back to its RTS roots and stop with the MMO BS, but at the same time I really don't want to see Diablo or Starcraft suffer the same fate as the Warcraft universe.....

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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