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Gnizmo said:
twesterm said:
coasterlove said:
Yes and I understand that and that was my point. I expected it to be locked, deleted or whatever was required. I just see way too many duplicate topics and was trying to get the point across to any member who happened to read it.


Making the thread to ask the question is enough, you don't have to make another duplicate thread for us to suddenly realize there are duplicate threads out there.

If you could only see all the threads I lock you would know I've locked about 20 LBP threads in the last week alone.  All you're doing is just making more work for us.  Believe me, we know duplicate threads exist and we lock them as we find them.

If you really want to do something just report duplicate threads.  You don't have have to make some witty meaningful thread with a duplicate thread, just press the report button.

 The biggest problem is some mods seem fine with it. I have seen them posting about the same topic across the myriad threads that get created after every fanboy meltdown. It is hard to take the rule seriousl when the staff seems to see it as an acceptable practice.

That's because only maybe 2 or 3 of the moderators on vgChartz actually moderate anything.