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Ouch, so many. It keeps getting worse.

I really need some time to sit down and finish some, but then I end up buying a new game, spend some time with it, don't finish it etc.

- Galaxy (Wii) - Beat it, but only with 90 stars or so
- Okami (Wii)
- Final Fantasy: My Life as a King (WiiWare)
- Shining Force (VC)
- Mega Man 2 (VC) --Damn it's hard
- The World Ends With You (DS) - Great, but hard
- Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)

Luckily the holiday line-up for Wii isn't that great, cause I need to have 'em done before the 2009 craze starts, with already 10+ games I want. But then again, I'll be buying a 360 with at least 5 games I want.

Aaaarghh, I need lots more time. Same problem as lewis: enough money, not enough time (but those are of course correlated)