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Dodece said:
A acceptable margin of error is ten percent range. Not ten percent total. Which means plus or minus five percent maximum. Now if you think Famitsu can range farther then that on anything close to a consistent basis you should simply state that you do not feel the numbers provided by their methodology are reliable. You must also come to conclusion that the numbers on this site are grossly unreliable since most would concede that Famitsu probably accounts for the vast majority of this sites charting of that particular market.

The bottom line is the range is significant enough to say that Microsoft did beat Sony for another week in Japan. The beating may be greater or less then the numbers indicate, but the salient fact remains. I also find it fundamentally idiotic that the mindset is that the formula for tracking would over track the 360, and under track the PS3. You would think they would both be over tracked or both under tracked.

So congratulations to Microsoft for holding in there for another week. Who would have thought mighty Sony would have been humbled like this in Japan earlier this year. Will be interesting to see how Sony responds to this. Beyond that someone on these forums told me the global meltdown did not really effect Japan. I could not bring myself to believe them. Japan is the poster child for a nation utterly dependent on global trade. With a large population, poor natural resources, and a dependence on the import of raw materials. To me that screams a nation that acutely feels the global economic situation.

a sane and rational argument that aims to keep all consoles in level footing without conspiracy theories.... are you sure your posting on the right boards 


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minecraft name: hansrotec

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