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shinsa said:

i'd say keep it, because the FEW games it has for it are good for parties.

Also i know what you mean, wii is totalling sucking. I got mine for mario and twilight but i ending up getin twilight for GC (which imo is alot better then the wii version) and SSBB (which was dissapointing) now i'm waiting for monster hunters 3.

Thought wii was all great and what not, but the only reason why it sells are because its cheap, its a new gemic and the few games it has for it are fun. Wii will win in terms of sale but in terms of quality games that are will not.


Heh its the debate from a few years back all over again, sure DS is great and all and is killing PSP in sales but the touch screen is a gimmick, the PSP has a vastly superior library with tons of third party support, few years later... yeah... you're seeing how that's going, PSP has 1 game with an overall 90 rating though there are much better games then the one 90 rated game.  The PS3 and 360 have great games just like PSP some are amazing, but developers go where the money is at and just like DS it'll take at least 2 years before you really see what people can do with the system, Wii is getting around 2 years old and you're seeing a great 2009 line-up because of that fact.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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