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PC Discussion - Deus Ex 3 - View Post

Punisher said:
"In terms of gameplay, the combat won't be influence by stats, and will instead rely on a player's pure shooter skills."

This almost guarantees that i will not buy it.

"Stats will still be in the game, though, as they influence "a vast array of fully upgradeable and customizable weapons." There will be at least 20 augmentations in the game, with one described as tentacles that shoot out of your back and cling to walls when you jump off a building (sounds almost symbiote-esque), and another that lets you punch through walls to grab enemies behind them"

Sigh, going little over the top compared to orginal Deus Ex

"Interestingly, it seems Eidos Montreal also went out of their way to assure fans they are aware of the less-than-positive reaction the second game in the series received, and are working diligently to avoid some of the same mistakes."

Yep, some of those mistakes.

"They also said, though, that with Deus Ex 3 they want to please both fans of the series as well as newcomers who may have never played the earlier games (which may partly explain why they're making it a prequel)."

So they make it to work like "Deus Ex 2".


And hopefully they won't blew Thief like they will do with this, if that text is to believed.

Let's see how it turns out, but I do hope they don't screw it up. I want another good Deus Ex. I agree with your Thief statement though. Thief has to be one of my favorite games, and while the 3rd one was alright, it just didn't have the oomph of the 2nd and 1st ones.


Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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