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Diomedes1976 said: The quotient for the european markets (of the Europe of 15 countries ,the new Europe of 25 countries I dont know but doubt will differ much most are really tiny or have underdeveloped game markets ) is more or less like this . UK(actually England,Ireland ) :35% France :15% Germany:15% Spain :8.5% Italy; 8% . Sweden ;1.5% Norway :1.5% Austria:3% . Portugal:1.3% Holland;1.6% Belgium;1.5% . Denmark: 0.5% Switzerland(not UE but integrated in the european economy all the same ) ;1.5% . Greece :1% . Luxembourg ;nearly 1% . THe remaining 4-5% for all the other countries .
This is OT, i know, but you should define what you mean by Europe and new Europe. Looks like Europe in this case means European countries, which are "west" by welfare and politically. You forgot Finland from the list, and Norway isn't ETA-country nor EU (you mentioned Switzerland as ETA, but not EU [i assume that you mean by UE the European Union]). Ex Eastern block countries have such low welfare, that theyre not buying much consoles, even that some of them are quite populated. About PS3 prebooking, here at Finland (atleast the stores i know) did not take any prebooking fee. So its possible, that many of those, who prebooked, leave the console to the store. By the way, some stores in Italy started selling PS3 at wednesday... But Italy is "the promised land of the PS". It looks like PS3 got a decent start in Europe, good for them, but i think that sales freezes by april. Even in Europe people are not that stupid that they pay the price nearly 700€ (its 670-690€ here) from a console. OK, the PS2 was sold in Finland at start for 500€, and people still bought it. But the reports i've seen from Finland tells that PS3 is not a blockbuster here either. Oh, and compared to Wii... I have seen Wii once in a store, 20.1 there was 8 pcs at the store, and i bought mine then. :) After that day haven't seen any, so its still sold out here.

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