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RolStoppable said:
illuminatus said:
RolStoppable said:

1-3) This is going nowhere. All your arguments come down to "Let's wait until all of these conditions are met, then we'll see what will happen". That's boring. Why can't we both look at the past in order to predict the future? You know, all the historical evidence points to the Wii having continued success and selling better than either the 360 or PS3 every month worldwide until all these systems are discontinued.

4) You are from Germany, all consoles aren't selling quickly, but the Wii still sells the most each week. Despite the 360 having deals with games included making it far cheaper than the Wii, I might add. But yeah, that doesn't count because not everybody has an HDTV yet, so we can't conclude that the Wii will remain the top system until the end of its life (which will be longer than the 360's and PS3's).

1-3) All the historical evidence says that consoles which cost $599 or $499 or $349 are outside the mass market and of course don't sell as well as consoles for $249, $199, $99 regardless what is built or not built into them.

4) In the nearest MediaMarkt from here the Wii right now sells slower and the 360 sells faster than one year ago. I don't believe that Wiis live cycle will be longer than 360's. I think the 360 will have its strongest sales in the mid-2009 to end-2010 period while Wii's heydays end sometime next year.

1) Interesting interpretation, but I was thinking more along the lines of "the system that consistently outsells its competition does so for the rest of the generation".

2) a.k.a. 4): Well, that's one shop out of many.

Historical evidence shows that the winning system of a generation has the longest lifecycle which would be the Wii this time. Now you might say that the Wii is different because it's so underpowered compared to its competition, but 25 years ago the NES was in the same situation. Production of the machine was stopped in 2002, although it only sold until 1995 or so outside of Japan.

Historical evidence also shows that most consoles peak in their third year and it seems the same will hold true for the 360.


i would say nintendo plans on replacing or offering a wii upgrade in not too long since nintendo seemed to let it slip about wii hd, but that seems wierd i though for sure they would stick it out until they thought the first of the hd consoles launched its next one

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