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Phrancheyez said:
goddog said:

in other news wishing on a star with a cricket near you still does not make wishes true

Jobs, is on their board, and he has not seen fit to make macs blue ray equiped despite being on the blue ray consortium too. so until the jobs decideds its worth while i have little faith it it, even less when iorn man only managed over 500k


LOL, you base your assumptions on Steve Jobs?


no i have many other reasons ive stated in other threads.

but it was fun to weave him in there with him being on many blueray boards, and a board member of disney since the pixar acquisition, and ceo of apple who normally jumps on cutting edge tech he sees as the big thing, leave blueray out of his companies computers, and not even support it in OS (though it is coming builds of the OS have had it for almost a year now). he does still swing a bit of power in the tech and entertainment worlds 


edit, also how can you not find the man at least interesting, i mean even a guy pretending to be him, fake steve jobs, had amajor fallowing, that says alot

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog