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Aprisaiden said:
@HappySqurriel -- Iron Man selling 500k in one week is good, it also sends a good message about how The Dark Knight will go...

Ultimately though we won't see blu-ray sales looking good compared to DVD for another year or two unless the major studios decide to release movies on blu-ray first. eg. release the film on blu-ray 13th October and on DVD 20th October...


its going to take more than a few weeks dif to set up blue ray afire, more like 6 months, and not announce the dvd release till later. i had originally thought that something like that would happen next christmas, but with these sad numbers,  i dont see it happening until 2010, like i posted above you. not even the digital switch is going to help now. i had no idea how sad blueray sales were 

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minecraft name: hansrotec

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