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PC Discussion - Deus Ex 3 - View Post

vlad321 said:
Have they announced Thief 4? Same developers and everything? Tief 2 was excellent and the the high point of the series imo. Deadly Shadows was alright, but meh, kinda like Invisible War.


So far its mostly rumors, but no one has been out to debunk them either, which is usually a good sign. The ending in Thief 3 (as you know) was very open and certainly paved the way for an intriguing sequel! There is talk that Eidos Montreal are sharing their engine again with the Thief team, like they did with Invisible War. I suspect that a new Thief title will be announced within 6 months or so and certainly by next E3, but I have no hope of seeing one finished and released until 2010 at the very earliest!