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ChartsViewer said:

Hello people!

I would like you to discuss this :)

I know that some of you like Mario type games, I know that some of you like racer type games, I know that some of you like FPS type games, etc....

But for the hardcore gamer like me, and I think there are still plenty of them out there, Gears of War 2 it's shapping up to be one of the best games ever made, or even the best game ever! :)

What do you think folks? Please consider lasting appeal :)

What do you think? :)

Some videos:

In short, no.

In long, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (shamelessly copied from Zero Punctuation)

I can say right now that I thought Mario was pretty good, I HATE racing games and yes, Gears of War will be very good but it has as much chance of being the 'greatest game ev4r!!!!!!111123' as Fallout 3 with its annoying grenades (don't ask)


Seriously, when was the last time outside Metal Gear Solid that an amazing first game got a better sequel?

Shall we have a look?

Halo- no

Devil may Cry- no

Ratchet and Clank- no

I could go on for a long time, but I won't.

Number two is rarely better than an excellent number one like Gears of War or Halo. Resistance has left room to be improved. A lot. Killzone even more. Gears of War, if they improved upon the few faults and called it Gears of War 2, it would be called a copy.


They'll probably try to change it quite a bit and end up not being as good as the original.

That's what I think.

EDIT: I was trying to be subtle, but everybody has said it. MGS4 will be game of the year. no Fables, Gears of Wars, littlebigplanets or resistances are going to stop that particularly the first two. I could go into detail on why but that would be off topic and very loooooooooooooooooooooooong.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective