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Darc Requiem said:
I'm sure all three manufacturer have 2011 as their target. MS wanted a longer 360 lifespan for profitability and given prior history. MS would have assumed that Sony and Nintendo would have a successor ready 5 years after they launched their current hardware. Sony doesn't want MS to get the jump on them again so they would have been targeting 2011 as well. Nintendo has churned out new hardware every 5 years over the past three generations. So, 2011 would have been a likely target for them as well.


god i hope not it will lead to a finacial collapse of that generation, i do not believe that new generation will be viable until 2012/3 at earliest, and it will hurt all involved. it could create a market crash as parents lose trust in a market that refreshes too often.

outside of that it will be good for the pc market, since it will be a pressed market, the pc market might become the more stable of the two

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog