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mrstickball said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Story seems nice....its been my dream to do what the main characters are doing in Star Ocean 4

Same here.

I've always thought that RPGs with really "grand" universes, such as SO4 and the Phantasy Star series did a great job of making their games feel epic, since you got to travel to incredible locations.

The few scenes from SO4 have really looked "epic" in the fact they are diverse, and give a sense of awe in the making you feel like you are indeed one of the first travelers into the Star Ocean.


Exactly my thoughts.....I will happily support a "Epic space Opera" JRPG more than a "medievel" JRPG anyday.

Medievel is for WRPJ's (Fable, Oblivion, witcher)....I think JRPG's are done best as Space ones....or Mixed ones (all our post FF6 FF's except for FF9)

There are obviously exceptions such as the best WRPJ is actually a space one (SW:KOTOR) & the best JRPG's are medievel (FF6, Chrono Trigger)

Maybe the 360 exclusive to turn me over is finally arriving

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey