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BenKenobi88 said:

For comparison, I quick searched for some cheap parts that adds up to just under $300 for a good, baseline PC. Add $50 to this PC and you can play Crysis on medium-high settings. The OP's PC has more HD, a little more processing speed and 1 more GB of RAM, but I'd argue those things aren't necessary.

I didn't just pick the absolute cheapest items either...I went through and picked well reviewed items from well-trusted manufacturers. I'm not saying this PC is better, it's just about the best, lowest-priced completely custom PC I could find. You can build a better computer for not much more, but this is pretty much the baseline.


So, in other words, the deal Squilliam is presenting is a pretty damn good deal, assuming it has enough cooling already in the box(I tend to open up the sides of my PCs anyway, lol, I have compressed air handy for the dust problem and you'll never get a heating issue with no box surrounding your hardware, in a cool room).

I mean, considering that a pre-built PC is usually a screw job and much much worse than built PCs you can get around that price range, this one is actually quite an amazing deal.

Espcially since it comes with Vista and I assume has a warranty.


....hell, this is actually the deal of the century if those specs prove out right, lol.

I mean, you could be playing Crysis on medium settings on Squilliam's PC in like 3 days from now, if you ordered it. Like, pow, snap, bang. The "reviewer" said it won't run Crysis well on high settings, but that implies that it will run it on medium settings, so I assume it would.

You certainly could play other high end games like Bioshock, Gear 1, Assassin's Creed, Dragon's Age, and that kinda stuff, out of the box(besides attaching the videocard).

Basically, it could blow a 2000 dollar PC from 3 years ago, out of the water, and it's like 450 bucks prebuilt for ya, with a warranty.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.