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For some reason, I could never get in to Far Cry 1. I just disliked it. It's probably because I didn't get it a fair shot, but I tried to play through it twice, and I just didn't like the difficulty, or pretty much anything about it, except the beautiful graphics.

I certainly wouldn't pick this up over Fable 2, Resistance 2, Left 4 Dead, Fallout 3, Gears 2, Mirror's Edge, even TLR, Dead Space, or any other really potentially good game coming out this year, even if FC2 got a perfect 10 and those games got 6s. I just hated it that much. I played it on PC. I just hated the damn game, dunno why. Was I the only one?

So, in conjunction with the fact that there are already some really hyped games that I can't afford, and some that I'll have to rent, and the fact that I hate Far Cry and always will, I'm guessing this one is a skip, and I hope you all enjoy it.

As for SOCOM, it's one of those games that has a very niche audience that I've never seen before. Seriously, I don't know a single person that was or is in to SOCOM. It obviously was a fairly popular game, but I just never met anyone who actually played and enjoyed it. I've never even played it myself.

With so many badass games coming out, discussions tend to focus around them, and away from the lesser touted shooters.


PS: I do have it in my gamefly queue just in case I have an opening. I believe in redemption.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.