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Skeeuk said:
DMeisterJ said:
The lighting is fantastic.

It does look better than Gears.

I wonder why we haven't heard much of Gears as of late, I assume it's still under embargo.


 most gears info screens and footage has been released.

 resistance 2 looks better than it, will have longer campain, better co-op and better traditional online.

 the 3 games in 1 is true

 the 100 chimera on screen at once is a bette feat than horde mode on gears.

 i predict resistnce 2 will be heavily fanboy reviewd, as fanboy reviewers will not take nicely to gears 2 being de-throned.


You've heard it here first ladies and gentlemen. The most unbiased preview of these games. All reviewers who pretend to like Gears, are fanboys, and any non-perfect scores Resistance 2 gets are obviously biased. Afterall, it's 3 complete games in one, each of them individually better than Gears 2.

This is an unforseen turn of events. Reporting this news to Kotaku as we speak.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.