vanguardian1 on 21 March 2007
robjoh said:
vanguardian1 said:
Here's a question though. Why is the DS starting to pick up sales like they did in Japan over a year ago? Don't forget the *FIRST* DS Poke`Bomb hits North America next month. You might as well call that the DS's verison of "Halo 3". :)
Word of mouth and a dying GameBoy? Nintendodogs is leading the attack in EU, I don't know about USA.
Nintendo is making 2.5 million DS a month so around 60 million after 2007 sounds like a deal.
Ohh forgot the main question, no slowdown in Japan for at least 10 million more :) so somewhere in early 2008?
USA Pokemon is hitting so somewhere around early 2008 also.
The Pokemon DS games are due out April 25th here in North America. :)
The gameboy advance isn't dead yet here in NA yet, it outsold PS3 last month. ^o^
Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.