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darkfire001 said:
Wow this sucks. This isn't even a small delay at all, six months at least?

I'm very dissapointed, initially this Holiday 07' Xbox 360 slate looked to be the best ever for an FPS/Action gamer like me, and then the shit storm began....
- Haze "Semi-Exclusive to PS3" delayed until 08 at least.
- Unreal Tourney 3 "Semi-Exclusive to PS3" delayed until 08 at least.
- Blacksite pushed back a few months (first decent FPS before Halo 3)
- Couple other launches pushed back.
- Now GTA IV gets a HUGE delay.

Its still going to be a good end of year for 360, tons of good games. But GTAIV is a HUGE SELLING POINT for a lot of kids when deciding between a 360 and a Wii (teens). I really think Nintendo wins big with this delay.

It seems this may hurt Sony more then. Haze and UT3 may lauch simultaneously on both PS3 & 360. There goes that advantage. It also gives MS a chance to lower there prices again, if the 45nm chip is ready around that time. There is a rumor on IGN that it will be ready by about March.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.
