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Blip said: staticneuron said: The studio's know the market intergration of HD. These companies are not going to base who is a victor off of who does not have an HDTV. Situations are relative but I am shocked to still hear this. Betamax and blu ray are polar opposites. Blu ray has more in line with VHS in terms of support, licensing, runtime/space and overall goal. At the CES of this year, it was claimed that an average of 6 br movies were sold per PS3 owner. I highly doubt that many movies are because of coupons and the growing attach ratio is not in line with the opinion that this is a phase. I find it fascinating to see people assume that they have a better grasp of the situation than these billion dollar companies................... that have been around longer than most of us have lived. And your grasp is so much superior? I am sure most of these companies thought that PS3s would be flying of the shelves when they signed on to BluRay. And these ever knowing companies never ever make hundreds of millions of dollars flop movies because they know their audiences so well... You can have your opinions and I'll have mine - I say they both flop. It is too soon.
These companies signed on to the BDA as far back as 1998. The PS2 wasn't even an equasion then. I do not persume to know everything, I am just assuming that these companies actually study and actually have a long term plan to implement these products....... it seems as if they are into keeping their money and making even more on top of that. The point I am trying to make is that during this console and format war people here and on other sites are expecting an instant intergration or results. Thefore if it doesn't hapen in a month or two it will never happen. The piont is to make the formats available for as long as possible while HDTV prices bottom out. Soon all tv's you can pick up will be HD. If I can walk into a store and send 300 to 400 dollars to get an HDTV, the subject of intergration is only a matter of time. Sort of like DVD's. My aunt just recently bought a DVD player. I am pretty sure that to this day there probably are quite a few people who still use VHS......... so obviously there is a point in time in which it is considered a success. If the market was not growing I highly doubt so many companies would be throwing their weight behind these products. It is really just a matter of using logic.

Games make me happy! PSN ID: Staticneuron Gamertag: Staticneuron Wii Code: Static Wii - 3055 0871 5802 1723