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@twesterm - I'm sorry, but if I had to choose (and I won't, I'll get both), Bioshock is comin' home with me. Once I heard there was a spiritual successor to System Shock 2, I knew it was all I ever needed or wanted in life, ever. And I love Metroid.

@stof - If people can't find a certain item/room/switch, it'll be because they're a bit slow, and not any fault of the game design or designers. These guys know what they're doing; I'm sure there'll be some navigational assistance. Not that you were necessarily suggesting otherwise, but just felt like clarifying.

@IllegalPaladin - You must be excited about this game! Immediately! If you like first-person shooters with ingenious combat scenarios and RPG-stats/upgrade systems, you'll love this. And wait 'til you hear what these people can do with sound: ambient, creature voicework/sound-effects, etc. System Shock 2 was just downright frightening, and now Irrational has a budget like they never have, with 2KGames backing them, so the graphics are finally top-notch as well. Ken Levine is brilliant, and I'm so thrilled that he's finally in the spotlight with this project. The world will see what Irrational's really made of.

@libellule - Forget multiplayer. If you want a single player game, then get Bioshock. If you want multiplayer, play a game that specializes in it. I wouldn't want to play a crummy, tacked-on multiplayer mode for any game that had a solid-in-itself single player experience. If lack of multiplayer causes the downfall of this game, I'll eat my hat.

Edit - Frankly, whether this game sells well or not, it will be one of the best games ever made. Many of the best games ever have been sleeper hits (Earthbound, anyone?). It's been proven that the majority of the population doesn't appreciate a great game when they get it, and love crap wherever they can find enough to roll in.

"Whenever you find a man who says he doesn't believe in a real Right and Wrong, you will find the same man going back on this a moment later."   -C.S. Lewis

"We all make choices... but in the end, our choices... make us."   -Andrew Ryan, Bioshock

Prediction: Wii passes 360 in US between July - September 2008. (Wii supply will be the issue to watch, and barring any freak incidents between now and then as well.) - 6/5/08; Wow, came true even earlier. Wii is a monster.