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Ok here's my one and only post in this thread(unless I get asked a direct question).

First, hello to the few people in this topic that don't know who I am. My name is Onyxmeth. Birth name Onyx, Family name Meth. I've been here for almost one year and was cruising the sales figures a few months longer than that. I'm most active in the Microsoft Forum, and I'm the guy that made that list everybody either loves dearly or hates with every ounce they can muster. I own a DS, which is the greatest thing since sliced bread, a 360, which I prefer as a console, and a Wii, which I sometimes do get frustrated with. Nintendo Discussion regulars know what I'm talking about I'm sure.

Second, thank you to everyone who were congratulatory to me.

Third, I'll quickly address my one major stain on these forums. I made a quick and decisive decision one day to act like an idiot and I apologize for it. It was uncalled for and won't happen again. I'm back on my medicine. To those that don't trust this administrative decision because of my ban, i'll do my best to change your minds.

Fourth, regarding ssj12, leave the bashing out of this thread. There's no need for that. No one that has had harsh words for him knows what happened, so no need to take shots at him or create conspiracy theories about what did happen.

Fifth, see everybody in the forums.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.