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Fei-Hung said:
Kratos would win. Everyone talks as if Kratos is some sort of steroid freak with a temper with no intelligence what so ever. Couple of things that need to be pointed out:

1) He has powers of the gods. Forget bombs and bows and arrows. He can make it rain fire and lightning. Who cares how many weapons link has when you can shove a thunder bolt from outer space up someone's backside.

2) He has literally survived Hell. Link hasn't even come close to it. The other world Link he goes into maybe bad, but Hell is not called Hell for nothing.

3) He has defeated gods. Link may have battled some big bosses or monsters, but none of them have been gods.

4) He is the God of War. Not only did he out smart the previous God of War, but now also out smarted Zeus and has now collated his own Army of Titans. In-between God of War 1 and 2 he has also strategically conquered cities and villages building his own army and commanding them. That takes intelligence, so anyone saying he is nothing but more then bad tempered is clearly wrong.

5) Healing Fairy's don't do any good against Immortality. Only a god can kill a god and Link is no god as great as he is.

6) The Mastersword maybe great but not as great as the Blades of Athena (made by the gods) and Zeus Sword (mAde by some gods).

Now Dante would give a better fight. The son of the greatest Devil against the son of one of the greatest Gods. That makes more of a debate and less of fanboy favoritism.

1.) Uh, Farore sez Hai. you seem to be forgetting one very signifigant issue. In God of War, there are like 5000 "gods" the more gods you have, the less powerful they are respectively. Hyrule only has 3 primary gods, period, and Link is directly imbuded with the power of the god of courage.

2.) You may not think of it this way, but I'm pretty sure the dark world was supposed to be hell. May not be as crappy as Kratos version, but I'm still gonna throw that out there anyway

3.) You're putting too much stock in this "God" thing. All they really are is powerful beings they way they're being used in God of War, that's about it. Monsters and the Stuff that Link go up against have essentially the same standing. Ganondorf and Vaati specifically sez Hai.

4.) We're not talking about War, we're talking about a 1 on 1 fight, and admittedly, Kratos has that whole slashem berserker crap, but lets face it, so did Ganondorf.

5.) Farore sez Hai again. Link is essentially a God.

6.) There's not JUST the Master sword to consider. If you're going to throw in two sword, then so am I. I'll throw in the Picori blade, capable of splitting Link into 4 parts. Combine that with the Tempered, Fairy Blessed, Master Sword(the golden one that can shoot beams) now x 4 and you've got a pair of blades that if I recall the mythos correctly, were not forged by men. I'm pretty sure that in some versions, teh master sword isn't forged by men initially, but in the SNES version it is tempered to be even stronger by dwarves, but then blessed by the Queen of fairies. Also, both swords are continually refererd to as Evil's Bane, dunno if Kratos's considered that way by teh God of War standards, but I'm pretty sure he'd count for it by Hyrule's.
Then we can get into stuff like Staff of Burna, Cape of Invisibility/Invincibility, Magical Armor from Twilight Princess plus Infinite Rupees from Goldenguy for the Poe collection, plus Goldenchu juice and Fairies Tears, sorry, but there are plenty of hard to find powerups for Link that bring him well up to par with the god of war, and that's not even going into all of them.

I think Kratos would actually have an easier time vs Deity Link, since Link actually becomes less flexible, plus it requires that Link be capable of becoming the Feirce deity, which he can only do in certain areas, and of course, if we're willing to do that, we also need to considere the stone giant's mask, though again, I think that would actually give Kratos more of an advantage if link tried to only use that, but it does mix thing up a bit.


Really, I think people are making 1 very basic mistake, and it's that they are taking everything at face value; ei, the monsters Link beats don't really bleed, therefor Link most not really be hurting them or REALLY damaging them. They don't say that the monsters are from Hell, therefor the monsters must just be like really big lizards or something, or bears. Since the monsters Kratos fights are from hell, you know they must be 100x harder. There's no way of knowing the equivalency. It's entirely possible that Moblins are actually strong enough to take out Kratos in one shot, but you can't Tell because that's just how tough Link is. That would be pushing it to extremes though.

Seriously though, I think it would actually be a fairly even battle. I think Kratos is faster and less predictable than even ganondorf, but I still think Link could dodge well enough and block well enough, and call on fairies and potions and other magics well enough to bring it to an even fight. Even with the immortality, that doesn't guarantee Link won't just beat him again. Ganondorf clawed his way back to Hyrule, but he got taken right back down.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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